RSI - Repetitive Strain Injuries, How can Merry Nell help?

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • DeQuervains
  • Tennis or Golfer's Elbow(tendinitis)
  ...If you have suffered from any of these or know someone who has, then you are aware of the pain and frustration associated with these debilitating diseases.

You need to know that there is a non-surgical,
practical and relatively inexpensive way to conquer RSI.


"I had the opportunity to meet Merry Nell Colborn in 1996 when she became certified in my treatment program for RSI patients. Over the several days we were together, I found her to be very talented in her work. Seldom have I met a person so caring, gentle and competent. Anyone who seeks a guide on the road to recovery will be in excellent hands with Merry Nell."

--Sharon Butler, Author, "Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries: A Self-Care Program"

I offer a 3 to 6* session series designed to lengthen and realign the embroiled fascia. My program is based on the work of Sharon Butler's Conquering Carpal Tunnel and other Repetitive Strain Injuries. The number of sessions is determined by the severity, the ability of the tissue to heal, and one's ability to incorporate changes into daily activities. The series incorporates myofascial or deep tissue work with thorough posture review and re-education. I have found that often the main culprit of the RSI is an imbalanced posture which causes lack of fluidity and therefore rigidity somewhere else in the body. This rigidity is the breeding ground for the RSI.

It may be important for me to observe the activity causing the RSI in order to carefully detect imbalanced movement or postural patterns and recommend adjustments. The adjustments aren't expensive or terribly inconvenient, and don't usually require purchasing new equipment!

*may take more than 6 sessions for those who have had RSI for a long time 


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Please feel free to contact me at
(805)558-4747 or

Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage,Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage, Hellerwork, bodywork, pain, RSI, repetitive strain injury, massage